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-Wei Jian
-Eunos Pri-->Ngee Ann Sec
-->Temasek JC-->NeeSoon camp
-Loves: mayday, jap+US+taiwan+HK
series, anime, manga, my PS2!
-Hates: my failing pc, boredom


cheng hyork


New PC/laptop
Better internet connection
More ps2/pc games
New watch
Japanese lessons
More free time
Less disaster

MayDay official website
Creator: Clara

April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

How fragile is life?

*snaps finger*

Just like that.

...I remembered a recent ad that has various celebrities snapping fingers every few seconds, a blatant reminder that someone has died with that snap. It was supposed to be a humanitarian effort to promote sth but i forgot, but the message was outright clear: lives are taken as u laugh, sleep, work and thinking your loved ones will always be there. Nothing can be done to reverse it, and sometimes you just couldn't help but wonder whether anyone or anything should be blamed for a death.

Yesterday, LCP Calvin Chow, 19, NSF, passed away in SGH at 6.37 a.m., after a drawn-out struggle against death for 2 weeks. He suffered severe burns after a Taiwan F-5 fighter jet crashed within close proximity of an SAF facility in Taiwan. It brought the total fatality count of this unfortunate accident to 5. And without putting names, one of my friend happened to have Calvin Chow as his section mate during BMT. he was totally shocked. shocked not only that he was involved in that incident, but i believe it was also because someone close to him had to pass away in his youth, and under such unexpected circumstances. i think it would be hard for everyone to swallow it if it were to happen on them.

When i first heard of the crash, and the NS men who died innocently in the accident, i was pondering over this myself.

How can the deceased's families deal with such a blow?
How can someone take away my child/brother/loved one just like that?
Is it any fair to him or us?
How are we going to get over the loss?
How are we going to get justice for them when no one is to be blamed for this?
How exactly do we relieve ourselves of the anger and the sadness?

So many questions. Yet no answers to them.

Deepest condolences to the deceased families.

roadman_fake whizzed by at 9:06 PM

Monday, May 28, 2007

Ok since someone bothered to read my blog, of which i'm overjoyed =P, i shall reveal the answers to my riddles.

问:小狗汪汪叫;小猫喵喵叫;青蛙呱呱叫; 那什么东西会咕咕叫?

解:杨过。 (因为他每次都喊:“姑姑! 姑姑!”)

问:小猫,小狗, 小鸡,小猪, 哪个早上会先起来背书?

解:小狗; 因为‘旺旺仙贝’(汪汪先背)

*me ducks for cover*

Stay tuned for more!

roadman_fake whizzed by at 9:34 PM

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Barbossa: [Captain Barbossa and Captain Jack Sparrow are both trying to give orders] What are you doing?
Jack Sparrow: What are you doing?
Barbossa: No, what are you doing?
Jack Sparrow: What are you doing?
Barbossa: No, what are you doing?
Jack Sparrow: What are you doing? Hmm. Captain gives orders on the ship.
Barbossa: The Captain of this ship is giving orders!
Jack Sparrow: [thinking] My ship, makes me captain!
Barbossa: They be my charts!
Jack Sparrow: That makes you Chart-man!
Pintel: Stow it! The both of you! That's an order! Understand! [They glare at him]
Pintel: Sorry, I just thought that with the Captain issue in doubt I'd just throw in my name for consideration. Sorry.

*Credits to http://imdb.com/

That's a snippet from POTC: AWE. i'll try my best not to reveal any tinge of spoilers here. =P

Okie i'll received quite a number of ratings and reviews about this *supposedly* last instalment of POTC, ranging frm a 1/5 star on Straits Times to an 8.6/10 on imdb. but seeing is believing, and with that i went down town, with me and myself, to catch it. teh first 30min or so provided quite a handful of comical relief, frm Jack Sparrow, pintel & ragetti and mostly his motley crew. Ah Chow's [ yeah i call Chow Yun Fatt that] acting cant be picked on, cos' i dont see any acting on his side lol; and he seems rather tongue-tied to me with his lines, or isit deliberate frm him? Barbossa and Davy Jones were also carrying themselves with the air of pirate lords while Jack was still locked up. And oh yeah Keira Knightley & Orlando Bloom continues to go lovey-dovey and squeezes out what little romance that this film, or any film for that matter-of-fact, shld have. I didnt say they 2 were just like wallpapers. haha.

I was glad to see e movie paved with major and minor plot surprises every now and then, and not stacked with special effect after relentless special effect. of cos when u need to see 'em, they were unleashed with explosiveness, especially the last sea battle. I can truly say it's quite a gd balance between plot and effects and the star power for Pirates 3, so go watch it! what are u waiting for? U savvy?

Oh and u could wait for the credits to roll and wait for a surprise at the end of it all. Just be patient.


roadman_fake whizzed by at 2:02 AM

Friday, May 25, 2007

Ok since there's not much updates for this couple days, guess i'd
put up some of my comments about some videos or shows i've watched while i while my time off waiting for NS to end. Lol
For those who havent watched the series, it's about Michael Scofield, a genius as well as an architect, who attempts to help his bro, Lincoln Burrows, to escape the death sentence by escaping from Fox River Prison. the 1st series was already fantastic, with all the ingenuity of Scofield solving problems, all with the tattoos on his body.
So fantastic that i wasnt expecting the 2nd series, current airing on channel 5, to surpass its prequel with its plot twists and such. of course girls can still drool over Scofield's bod and looks lah haha. but when i decided to catch on, it totally blew my mind off man! i was thinking, prison break wouldnt be prison break anymore once they are not in the confines of the prison, but in fact the escaping from all the good, bad and the ugly ppl, and those new chars are still tops. especially when the agent came face to face with michael, omg its almost like L and Light meeting each other for the first time in DeathNote! i rly got nth to say except: Pls do watch it if u have the time, cos it's rly worth your time watching!
*Maybe i shld put up a disclaimer next time to prevent anybody from flaming me on my critiques haha...


roadman_fake whizzed by at 12:27 AM

Sunday, May 20, 2007

问: 小猫,小狗, 小鸡,小猪, 哪个早上会先起来背书?


roadman_fake whizzed by at 11:09 AM

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Strange title isnt it?
Cos today is my birthday! kekeke.. and that's the reason why most of u dont have to work today =P. Well i had been thinking about the meaning of celebrating birthdays for quite a while: why do we hold parties and celebrations for the person born on this very date, instead of the person who gave birth to him/her? hmm...

Me and mother went down to orchard in afternoon, first to register for my jap lessons with bunka (
http://www.bunkalang.com/index.shtml) at Delfi. yep my first jap lesson's coming! so excited la! cant wait for that day to come. i kinda regretted not taking japanese when i was offered that in secondary sch. now, but that's all gonna change haha. *silently prays that my teacher is a friendly and beautiful one*

then walked down to borders and kino to look ard. i havent been to orchard for a VERY long time, sometimes even need my foreign friends to show me de way lol. SO THAT'S HOW ORCHARD LOOKS LIKE HUH. haha i'm such a mountain tortoise! went to meet my sis for dinner at fish & co. after, the seafood platter filling man, and not bad too. Only that of all times to have a diarrhoea, i had that when i was eating.. zzzz. But it was a great day after all! hahaha

roadman_fake whizzed by at 9:35 PM

Sunday, May 13, 2007

离家不远 (Back Home)


随着成长 远离家乡
回头遥望 我满肩坚强
为了梦想 振翅飞翔
怎么遗忘 熟悉的家香
When you feel the slip
When you start to crack
When it's all to hell
Know I have your back
Whether right or wrong
Is beside the point
'Cause we're more than blood

当我张开翅膀 试图往 梦里闯
时间却不经意 迷失家 的方向
当我满载成就 回头向 起点望
灰尘布满翅膀 飞不回 那扇窗

想像远方 绚烂星光
钟声敲醒 如茵的艳阳
为了梦想 我选择翱翔
怎么换回 淡淡的忧伤
张开翅膀 却迷失方向
When you feel the slip
When you start to crack
When it's all to hell
Know I have your back
Whether right or wrong
Is beside the point
'Cause we're more than blood

(Repeat Chorus)

如果你记得方向 家就在不远前方
要是你迷失方向 想找个地方流浪
太阳才交替月亮 星星又笼罩了窗
就算没地方流浪 只要你记得方向

(Repeat Chorus)

时间却不经意 迷失家 的方向
灰尘布满翅膀 飞不回 那扇窗

*Credits: http://tt78.com

For the benefit of those who cant read chinese, or are still learning, this song by 南拳妈妈 speaks of those wanderers who are striving to realise their dreams and ambitions abroad. Some may have thought they'd never forget their roots or family or loved ones, but as they start to succeed and achieve, things start to change. Some might lose themselves, forget about their loved ones, or change their character.

Will you and I do the same?

roadman_fake whizzed by at 10:20 PM

those are our class gathering fotos. these are my family dinner ones

roadman_fake whizzed by at 3:47 PM

roadman_fake whizzed by at 3:47 PM

OKAY since i'm always in an eternal battle with blogger, i will punch him today by blogging about yesterday's events, even though my 'create post' page now is in a total mess

Saturday 12/05

woke up early, as usual l0lx, and went down to play bball. In the hope that i CAN STILL grow taller. or not. bleh. and i gt thrashed by a kid who challenged me 1v1. LOL lucky not too many ppl ard.

went to PS after that and met up with my jc peeps; sherly, sunny, nont, veron & lingna. WOAH. only nont, with his "locks of wavy hair" shocked me. i almost couldnt recognise him at first sight leh. then lingna came with this 娃娃头. haha. i should've called more ppl up haiya...
anyways we went for lunch, then went down to paradiz centre snookerium for pool. Sherly strong siah! hehe she beat even me & nont. Not that we 2 are very pro, but its still unbelievable.
spent most of the time talking and laughing at ourselves. How nice would it be if we could relive our jc life again!! now NS is so mundane lah. as in the work that needs to be done. we shall meet again with a stronger attendance nxt time yea? we are planning to go back for TJ's homecoming dinner also.

then went back for family cum mothers' day dinner with my family & my father's side. the food was good. i was impressed and amused by my cousins' imaginations. we were talking about how combat clerks train and fight in war. "yah then the pc monitor we can use as helmet when we go fight, then the keyboard can use as rifle and kill enemy..." blahblahblah. it's really fun to see the way they laugh at things i said, mostly nonsense actually. Children never fail to inspire me with their imaginative thought & creativity. Maybe i shld hang out with kids more haha.

roadman_fake whizzed by at 3:12 PM


roadman_fake whizzed by at 3:03 PM

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

What the PES statuses really mean (no offence intended;pun intended :P)....

PES Actually not that fit one
PES Bo bian must chiong sua
PES Can siam duty den siam
PES Dunno can pes f anot
PES Everything still can do, but muz lobo during NS
PES Freedom FTW!!!

i hope i dun get sued by SAF for posting this lol, i just thought of this when i was bored to death

roadman_fake whizzed by at 8:58 PM

Monday, May 7, 2007

"If you have shadows and can't walk out,
I'll be the light and wipe them out.
If you are bugged by reservations,
I'll melt your heart with my patience."

Just some random rants

roadman_fake whizzed by at 10:49 PM



ok one more. here it goes:

问:小狗汪汪叫;小猫喵喵叫;青蛙呱呱叫; 那什么东西会咕咕叫?


roadman_fake whizzed by at 10:45 PM

roadman_fake whizzed by at 10:00 PM

Yesterday my family went west all e way to Jurong East swimming complex. yea why the big fuss? cos we were planning to play with the water slides and waves over there, nt unlike Wild Wild Wet, but alot cheaper than that. the slides are fun, but of cos there arent so much variety as WWW[not that i'm advertising for WWW or sth].

but we thought the best was the waves!! damn funny when the water pillars started raining on the pools. then the 5 of us were like dumb dumbs trying to hold on to each other, when actually it's so shallow only. Lol. then i broke my glasses zzz. gotta wear my nerdy army style specs today. then i found myself so smart when we were heading home. i forgot to take an extra pair of bermudas frm home. THATS IT. then no choice have to wear a wet pair of pants back. Lol. but we had such fun man!

roadman_fake whizzed by at 9:08 PM

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Yeah some of my friends bugging me to update my stupid blog, while i was actually 'diligently' trying out the html code e past few days. lol. anyways

Monday 30/04
reported to my new camp for a new posting. No 'why's please. met alot of friends down at nee soon. hehe this is gonna be a gd camp i hope.

Tuesday 01/05
Mayday! todays my dad's bday also. we went to sengkang to eat n eat n eat. actually i wanted to eat at vivo's sushitei instead, but u know, NSFs bo lui, saddd... but we did go to vivo in e end to shop around. Ben & Jerry's is great!

Wednesday 02/05
hmm nothing much. the only thing that left a dent was a documentary i saw on TV mobile. a video about a boy who wants to grow taller. Damn it hit me so hard, that i went to play bball after seeing that. I want to grow taller also leh! 20yrs old still can grow?

Thursday 03/05
went back to my old camp to clear my stuff. then my chief clerk told me all my duffel bag and the things inside were thrown away already. OMG. but not too bad, at most i buy them back when i ROD... hahaha!

Friday 04/05
hmm went with tong chuan to causeway point to catch Spiderman 3. so far leh woodlands frm my hse. reach there at 9.30. went to watch at 11.45. came out at 2.15am. Well the movie was fantastic in its SFX and special effects, especially everytime when Sandman appeared. Fabulous i would say. but i still dont like tobey (or toby) macguire. i like spiderman but dont like him in this show. ok maybe he was outstanding in other films, but seriously, i prefer uncle toby to wear his mask all e way and finish the show. Lol. the... ok i dun spoil anymore, got ppl complain le haha. But 23 dollars for a movie like this is... intriguing


roadman_fake whizzed by at 9:42 AM